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CH'EAT for Unliimited Health in killer Bean Unleashed for Android

I really love the game called Killer Bean but the only problem with the game is that, the Health of the Hit man is so poor.The 100% Health bar don't last at all which makes the game almost impossible to finish most especially the Level 4. Do you remember when killer bean was ordered to Kill 40 beans? Thats the level 4 am talking about. The game became very hard in that level, thats where this cheat comes handyCheck Pictures Below:[b]HOW TO ACTIVATE THIS CHEAT[/b]* Launch the game* Choose either Story Mode or Survival mode* Choose the level you want to play.* When the game starts, move to an enemy.* Allow "him" to shoot your player until it gets to 0% health.* As your player is dying, immediately press PAUSE then click MAIN MENU.[/b]Check the Pics Below ---* After that, start your game again and woohala, your cheat is working. Note: After every RESTART, your cheat is gone. So you will redo the cheat after every restart of the game. So you can start rocking the game as you like. Shooting from left to right without fear of any evil guy on your way. Since ACTORS don't die in movies, then why should your Hit man die? #NambePatrickGH
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The Cure for #Dumso

Tesla's Powerwall May Be The Future In 2017 Your Electricity Bill: In the United Kingdom, the price you are paid for the excess solar power your home generates is lower than the price you pay for electricity from the utility grid. Given this rate structure, it is more cost effective to co...
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  4612 Hits
4612 Hits

How to send a file via Bluetooth on Android by Nambe Patrick

1. First, make sure Bluetooth is turned on. Swipedown the notification shade and tap on theBluetooth icon to activate it. Then, go intosettings by tapping on the gear icon in the topright corner
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7453 Hits

3D Printing is Changing the World

3D Printing is Changing the World

What 3D printing is

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.

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5184 Hits