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The Real Man

The Real Man

A real man knows he didn't shove himself into the stench of a womb
And stayed there in the darkness for nine months and crawled his way
onto this earth through a vagina just so he would live life just to keep
count of how many vaginas he gets to stuff his face with in his lifetime.

A real man seeks enlightenment and spirituality

A real man knows his place in his daughters  life  and in her raising of
his  grandson

A real man is immune to society's madness because he has a mind that works

A real man wont spare you a deserving reprimand because you are a woman

A real man knows about those wise old men that have come before him
and the wisdom of the words they spewed.

A real man never seeks to harm other men to procure female attention

A real man never adapts to subservience just so he can get some   

A real man knows he's made mistakes , yes , but he knows it was his hero's journey
and he's learned the lessons nature would teach him

A real man will figure it out eventually, and the game is over

A real man seeks knowledge and freedom and it finds him

A real man is not afraid to be alone with his thought and will not attempt to
drown it out with senseless outer noise

A real man contemplates on the world he lives in , about its history and endeavors
to do what's within his ability to make it better for posterity

A real man is a not an automaton to beliefs he's been taught or the culture that  surrounds him

A real man evolves past the worship of all things material

A real man is none of the above, because a real man will pave his own path

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